Friday, January 25, 2008

So . . . how was blogging today, book clubbers?

It was so much fun watching all of you figure out how to log on to your blog, and then wondering exactly what you were going to write. I can tell some of you have done this before, and some of you haven't. That's okay -- we'll all learn together! You can coach each other, too! Computer lab times are great for this, or at home on the internet (with your parents' permission). And remember, I offered any time you have free time during the day, you may come to the library and blog on one of the laptops (provided they aren't checked out by a class!). Just make sure that you've finished your classwork and checked with your teacher first. That might be great incentive!!!

So . . . the book. What do ya'll think about the chapters we've read so far? I think this book gives us a whole new perspective on the Underground Railroad. It shows us the fear experienced by the people who sheltered travellers. Also, I think it's interesting that Kansas, a free-soil state, also experienced its share of troubles where slavery was concerned. Chapter 16 was heartbreaking, when Solomon, the free black man, had to leave with the cruel slave catcher. I felt a lot of frustration toward the Quakers for not physically intervening at that point at such an outright injustice. It made me wonder if the slave catcher knew he could get away with the kidnapping because he knew about Quakers' nonviolent approach to life. It makes me wonder if Quakers were often taken advantage of in this same way. . .


Bookmaid said...

Wow! I am very impressed with the Thompson Book Club Bloggers. You have some really cool names for your blogs, and I can tell you are really interested in your current book.

mmw said...

Hey Extraordinary Book Reader,

Steal Away Home sounds like an excellent book that I should read. I'm looking forward to keeping up with your book club through this blog. Keep up the great work!


Kool Kat Krazy said...

How do you make an avatar?I mean I know how to make one,but how do you put it on your blogge?

Extraordinary Book Reader said...

If you make an avatar on Yahoo Avatars, like i did, on the main page it will give you an option to add an avatar to your blog. You just click on that button, and voila! It happens! Give it a try! =-)

Kool Kat Krazy said...

Thank you so much!I will have my avatar ready in no time.By the way,I won't be at this weeks book clud meeting,I have the flu.