Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Have you finished????

I have!  Just tonight, I sat and read until I finished the rest of the book!  I look forward to discussing it with ya'll Friday morning.  Some of you -- no names mentioned here! -- have said you'll be glad to finish the book.  Others have said it's a favorite.  I feel a little of both!  We'll talk more about it Friday morning.  

One thing I want you to ponder:  have you ever wondered why it was against the law for slaves to learn to read?  It seems quite ridiculous to keep reading from anyone now, but ask yourself:  what did the masters think was the harm in letting the slaves know how to read?  Be prepared to talk about this in your blogs and in our group, as well as your overall impressions of the present-day characters versus the historical characters.

See you Friday morning, 7:15 in the library!

1 comment:

Kool Kat Krazy said...

I think they might have not let them read beacuse if the slaves could read they might be able to read books that tell them was to get out of slavery.